654 research outputs found

    Raising Students\u27 Concept in Protecting Information Privacy through Information Ethics Education

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    The concept of privacy in Chinese context is a fragile perception. Under such a culture environment, the awareness of right of privacy raises late; therefore, it is of necessary raising people the concept of information privacy. To reach this purpose, this study adopts the theory of self-efficacy to examine factors that influence decisions related to information privacy. Further, a longitudinal model is explored whether information ethics education plays a role influencing students’ concept in protecting information privacy. A survey with senior-level undergraduate students is conducted to test the hypothesized model. The findings exhibit an important insight that through information ethics education, students demonstrate a significant change in their confidence of privacy self-efficacy; the increase of this concept noteworthy changes their behavior concerning information privacy protection. Finally, discussions and conclusions are discussed

    Examining How the Disclosure of IS Security Policies Affect IS Personnel Ethical Conducts

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    The issue of “professional ethics” in the workplace has been put under the spotlight in recent years; especially several scandals have involved questionable behaviour on the part of information systems (IS) professionals. In the past years, many countries have constructively paid attention to the rules of professional ethics. Among these efforts, many acts asked for corporate information disclosures, for example, the disclosure of IS security and privacy policies. In this study, two research questions are explored. The first of these investigates the disclosure of IS security policies and perception of codes in Taiwan IS corporations. The second empirically validates a research model to understand whether the disclosure of IS security policies have any influence on the IS professionals\u27 perceptions of codes, and in turn, how these perceptions impact their ethical and unethical conducts. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications to the management of ethics concerning information ethics are discussed

    CLIPS: A tool for corn disease diagnostic system and an aid to neural network for automated knowledge acquisition

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    This paper describes the building of a corn disease diagnostic expert system using CLIPS, and the development of a neural expert system using the fact representation method of CLIPS for automated knowledge acquisition. The CLIPS corn expert system diagnoses 21 diseases from 52 symptoms and signs with certainty factors. CLIPS has several unique features. It allows the facts in rules to be broken down to object-attribute-value (OAV) triples, allows rule-grouping, and fires rules based on pattern-matching. These features combined with the chained inference engine result to a natural user query system and speedy execution. In order to develop a method for automated knowledge acquisition, an Artificial Neural Expert System (ANES) is developed by a direct mapping from the CLIPS system. The ANES corn expert system uses the same OAV triples in the CLIPS system for its facts. The LHS and RHS facts of the CLIPS rules are mapped into the input and output layers of the ANES, respectively; and the inference engine of the rules is imbedded in the hidden layer. The fact representation by OAC triples gives a natural grouping of the rules. These features allow the ANES system to automate rule-generation, and make it efficient to execute and easy to expand for a large and complex domain

    Cooperation for Scalable Supervision of Autonomy in Mixed Traffic

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    Improvements in autonomy offer the potential for positive outcomes in a number of domains, yet guaranteeing their safe deployment is difficult. This work investigates how humans can intelligently supervise agents to achieve some level of safety even when performance guarantees are elusive. The motivating research question is: In safety-critical settings, can we avoid the need to have one human supervise one machine at all times? The paper formalizes this 'scaling supervision' problem, and investigates its application to the safety-critical context of autonomous vehicles (AVs) merging into traffic. It proposes a conservative, reachability-based method to reduce the burden on the AVs' human supervisors, which allows for the establishment of high-confidence upper bounds on the supervision requirements in this setting. Order statistics and traffic simulations with deep reinforcement learning show analytically and numerically that teaming of AVs enables supervision time sublinear in AV adoption. A key takeaway is that, despite present imperfections of AVs, supervision becomes more tractable as AVs are deployed en masse. While this work focuses on AVs, the scalable supervision framework is relevant to a broader array of autonomous control challenges.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    TGF-beta signaling proteins and the Protein Ontology

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    The Protein Ontology (PRO) is designed as a formal and principled Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry ontology for proteins. The components of PRO extend from a classification of proteins on the basis of evolutionary relationships at the homeomorphic level to the representation of the multiple protein forms of a gene, including those resulting from alternative splicing, cleavage and/or posttranslational modifications. Focusing specifically on the TGF-beta signaling proteins, we describe the building, curation, usage and dissemination of PRO. PRO provides a framework for the formal representation of protein classes and protein forms in the OBO Foundry. It is designed to enable data retrieval and integration and machine reasoning at the molecular level of proteins, thereby facilitating cross-species comparisons, pathway analysis, disease modeling and the generation of new hypotheses

    Exploring Consumers\u27 Keyword Ads Search Behaviors: An Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Flow Theory

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    In the 21st century, e-Commerce and online shopping have come to a stage of steady growth. To encourage consumers to shop online, Internet advertising has become one of the most common strategies for online marketing. The combining traditional and online advertising become a popular marketing strategy and growingly prevalent in Taiwan. While consumers\u27 keyword search behavior is an information-gathering behavior before they make purchase, the advertisers ultimately wish consumers\u27 clicking on Internet advertisements would get them fascinated with certain products. Therefore, this paper adopted the theory of planned behavior as the theoretical background, and the flow theory and perceived creativity were the important antecedent beliefs to explore the consumers\u27 keyword ads search behaviors. An online survey was conducted and a total of 280 usable responses were collected, constituted a response rate of 76.1%. Our results suggested that TPB provided a reasonable depiction of consumers\u27 keyword ads search behaviors. And the flow experience and perceived creativity were the significant antecedent beliefs in our research model. Altogether, the research findings show that all the hypotheses were statically significant except the relationship between the perceived behavior control and keyword search behavior. Based on the research findings, implications and limitations are discussed

    Toll-like receptor signaling in vertebrates: Testing the integration of protein, complex, and pathway data in the Protein Ontology framework

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    The Protein Ontology (PRO) provides terms for and supports annotation of species-specific protein complexes in an ontology framework that relates them both to their components and to species-independent families of complexes. Comprehensive curation of experimentally known forms and annotations thereof is expected to expose discrepancies, differences, and gaps in our knowledge. We have annotated the early events of innate immune signaling mediated by Toll-Like Receptor 3 and 4 complexes in human, mouse, and chicken. The resulting ontology and annotation data set has allowed us to identify species-specific gaps in experimental data and possible functional differences between species, and to employ inferred structural and functional relationships to suggest plausible resolutions of these discrepancies and gaps

    The Impact of Self-Monitoring on Theory of Planned Behavior:Study of Web Portal Usage

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    With the prosperity of the Internet and WWW, lots of web sites have been raised. The eBusinessWeekly 2000 reported that “web portal” was with highly proportion (46.1%) among all kind of the websites; this reveals that web portal would be the place where Internet users visit most often. Since the Internet is widely popular, user’s perception to use such WWW technology was easy to understand. In this research, we study the personality trait of self-monitoring on the Internet web portal usage behavior. Thus, we focused on the concept of self-monitoring in exploring the attitude, web self-efficacy, intention and web portal usage to see the variation in this concept. The combined dataset shows that attitude toward web portal and web self-efficacy are significant impacted on intention, and actual web portal usage is significant influenced by both intention and web self-efficacy. Further, the differences between high self-monitoring (HSM) group and low self-monitoring (LSM) group are observed and have significant di inct in our research model, therefore two moderating hypotheses are both supported. Base on the research findings, conclusions and implications are discussed
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